Jumat, 09 April 2010

New News

Hello SMANDA.....Assalamu'alaikum.

Ada kabar terbaru today for us, SMA Negeri 2 Sumedang, kini dipimpin oleh Ibu Dra. Tita Djuwita, Ed.M. Beliau menggantikan Ibu Enung yang dialihtugaskan ke SMA Negeri 1 Cimalaka.
Selamat bertugas di SMA Negeri 2 sumedang ya Bu.

Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009

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Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009

About us

Beside photo : The Teacher Group from SMA Negeri 2 Sumedang as Team to Visit Malaysia and Singapura for Comparating Study with Malaysian School and Singapura School. (They are : Ita Sasmita (History Teacher), Dedi Mulyadi(English Teacher), Wahyudin(Conseling Teacher), Ato Radianto(Physics Tacher), Nining Mulyani (Art Teacher) and Entin Rostinah(Mathematics Tacher). It is in Soekarno-Hatta airport, wait for flying with "air asia" to Malaysia)

Short History about Senior High School 2 Sumedang :

The Senior High School 2 Sumedang, founding on July 27th, 2007. This School is still filial from Senior High School 1 Sumedang (SMA Negeri 1 Sumedang). It is still name : SMA Negeri 3 Sumedang.
On August 3th, 1987 located the new building on Rancamulya Village Kec. Sumedang Utara by Name Seniior High School 3 Sumedang (SMA Negeri 3 Sumedang) and on February 8th, 1988 foundingself public. To become one of the all public school in Sumedang West Java Indonesia.
The Principal Of Senior High School 2 Sumedang, years to years : 1987 Bapak Soetrisno, Tahun 1988 Bapak Suharsono. Tahun 1989 Bapak Drs. Suhud Sukaryadinata. Tahun 1991 dipimpin Kakandep dikbud dengan Bapak Drs. Baim sebagai PYMT kemudian ditetapkan Bapak Ahmad Rifa`i, BA. Tahun 1993 Bapak Drs. Sopandi Parmawijaya . Bulan Oktober 1993 Kembali dipimpin Bapak Ahmad Rifa`i, BA. Bulan Oktober 1994 dipimpin Bapak Soepomo Efendi. Tahun 1996 kembali dipimpin Bapak Achmad Rivai, BA sebagai PJMT. Tahun 1996 dipimpin Ibu Dra.Yuyun Nahrum. Pada masa kepemimpinan beliau, tahun 1997 berdasarkan SK.Mendikbud No.35/ D/ 1997 SMA Negeri 3 Sumedang menjadi SMU Negeri 2 Sumedang. Tahun 1998 dipimpin Bapak. H.O.S. Kasmita,S.Pd. Bulan Juni 2002 dipimpin Bapak Drs.U.S.Nawawi MM .Since June 2005 SMAN 2 Sumedang dipimpin oleh Ibu Enung S. Suryana,S.Pd.,M.Ed until now.


Under photo : Ibu Enung S. Suryana (The Principal of SMAN 2 Sumedang) with Ibu Junaidi (The principal of Tun Fatimah Girl's School Johor Bahru Malaysia). On 1st October, 2009, Dinas Pendidikan Sumedang Group, Visiting to Malaysia and Singapura.

SMA Negeri 2 Sumedang
The First “Rintisan Sekolah Standar Nasional” (RSSN/RSKM) on Sumedang Regency

Few Words

Thank you for launching this webs. It is a public webs. We hope, with this webs, we can hold up ourself with the all other at out of Senior High School 2 Sumedang.
We know, the first raising web, it is very simple. But we hope, in the future, there are many information about school that knowing in this webs.
Thank you for all.